This allows knights to be able to gain 1-hit-KO against High Orcs and possibly Minorous. Strength should be 100 at a minimum, most knights typically get around 120. The typical SVD knight will level primarily on Large sized monsters utilizing pierce or they will make use of Bowling Bash or Brandish Spear for mobbing. Their damage output is higher while maintaining decent VIT, allowing them to excel at MvPing or PvP in comparison. SVD Knights ( STR/ VIT/ DEX) may seem similar to VIT Knights, but they have more uses than just being meatshields. Levels mostly by mobbing, utilizing their tanking ability. They have the highest health and good defense rate, and unlike agility Knights, they usually use shields for added defense and Spear type weaponry. VIT Knights are good tanks in Ragnarok Online. Weapon: Elemental or Carded One or Two-Handed Spears Finally, Counter Attack allows for a higher critical chance against evasive or fortified foes. When faced with multiple foes, they break out Bowling Bash. Their main method of attack is Twohand Quicken, which increases ASPD by 30%. Additionally, using two-handed swords pushes their attack power higher than most VIT Knights. They have high ASPD and flee, but vitality, and by extention health, are low compared to other Knights. Weapons: Elemental Two Handed Swords or Carded Two Handed SwordsĪGI Knights believe that the best way to decrease damage is to prevent it from ever happening. This build was the best for pre-Transcendent patch Knight dueling. Ranking by efficiency, players tend to use AGI-VIT combination because of its higher ASPD which allows players to do Pierce chaining or if not solo with Twohand Quicken with a decent ASPD. VIT-AGI Knights, likewise, generally stay with the setup of a VIT Knight. AGI-VIT Knights usually stick with a setup similar to an AGI knight. Hybrids are denoted by which stat is the highest. By having a good chemistry of AGI and VIT depending on the user's playing style, they gain survivability in some areas while losing it in others. These knights try to get the best of both realms. Weapon: Elemental or Carded Spears or Two Handed Swords This page has been marked as being in need of links to other iRO Wiki pages.